What It’s Like to ‘Run Energy’ with Me

In the spirit of constantly evolving, as a teacher and a human, I’m starting off 2022 by sharing something with you that is offbeat, at my edge, and actually quite vulnerable.


In my new book published last year, Surviving the Divine: A Memoir of Rude Awakening, I wrote a bit about how my spiritual transformation experience opened up new channels of energy within me. I did my best to describe the ineffable quality of that energy, especially it’s wild, non-rational and block-blasting power.

What I didn’t write in the book is that it’s possible to share this energy with other people, and that in some of my client sessions we tap into it as a field of transformative potential. In fact, it often helps create deep healing and freedom like nothing else I know.

One reason I haven’t shared this previously is because in order to open to the energy in myself I need to let it come through my body and voice in a raw, unpredictable and sometimes confronting way. To put it humorously, I can come across like a crazed, goofy, Jewish shaman.

I love it, but I can also be self-conscious about it.

But now, I believe, it’s time to “out” myself and let people see for themselves if they’d like to include this in their work with me. I’m choosing this, in part, because our usual ways of knowing and growing are failing the planet so miserably over these last few years. I want to count myself among those who choose to “stop making sense” sometimes (thank you, David Byrne) in order to access the “better angels” within us.

To begin that process, I’m presenting two sessions with one of my longtime community members and clients – Tina. A big bow of gratitude here for Tina’s own generosity and courage! Together we prepare the viewer for the experience, go through it, then debrief.


For those of you who might want to just get right to it, the first energy run begins at 23:00, the second at 33:00 the fourth at 44:00, and the last at 57:00.

When you watch these energy runs, I invite you to relax into your own experience of them. Since energy is in many ways both non-local and transferable, it’s possible that you will have a parallel yet related journey to ours.

If you’re interested in learning more or would like to schedule a session with me that include the running of energy, please email me at rc@cushnir.com

In Spirit, Gratitude, Connection and Evolution,


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