The following resources offer guidance and support for fostering presence, healing, growth and success. This list is small and personal. Please contact Raphael to share your own most treasured resources for possible inclusion on this page.
Founded by Bo and Sita Lozoff, the Human Kindness Foundation does remarkable work with prisoners, but its approach is equally applicable to everyone. This organization is an inspiration in blending social responsibility and personal spirituality.
This is an inexpensive watch that you can set to vibrate at a regular interval, bringing you right back to the present moment no matter how far you may have drifted. Note: Many cell phone apps now also exist that can do the same thing.
Integral Life Practice: A 21st-Century Blueprint for Physical Health, Emotional Balance, Mental Clarity, and Spiritual Awakening
by Ken Wilber, Terry Patten, Adam Leonard, Marco Morelli
This is the best book yet to synthesize the work of Ken Wilber into a practical, accessible program. Plus, the lead writer is my great friend and soul brother, Terry Patten. Not to be missed.
Open Secrets
by Rabbi Rami Shapiro
A small treasure. Available, to my knowledge, only through the Human Kindness Foundation (see above).
365 Nirvana Here and Now: Living Every Moment in Enlightenment
by Josh Baran
An amazing collection of passages pointing toward the experience of Unity, from all the mystic traditions, as well as contemporary music, literature, and even a few cartoons.
Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma
by Peter A. Levine
Powerful and practical wisdom about real and lasting recovery from every kind of deep wounding.
Undefended Love
by Jett Psaris and Marlena Lyons
One of the best books ever about applying the teachings of non-duality to the often confounding realm of romantic relationships.
Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life
by Byron Katie, with Stephen Mitchell
A great introduction to The Work of Byron Katie (see above)
Doing Nothing: Coming to the End of the Spiritual Search
by Steven Harrison
Very helpful in avoiding the kind of well-intentioned grasping for “enlightenment” that lures us from the present moment.
Bare Bones Meditation
by Joan Tollifson
A searingly honest account of personal trauma, growth and awakening.
How Can I Help?
by Ram Dass and Paul Gorman
Indispensable for anyone attempting to live a life of conscious service.
The Faith to Doubt
by Stephen Batchelor
A radical approach to presence that draws on Buddhist thought but challenges many of its main assumptions.
Voyage to the Bunny Planet: Moss Pillows/Island Light/First Tomato/Boxed Set
by Rosemary Wells
This series of delightful books makes the case for celebrating the here and now in a way that can resonate at even the youngest ages.