Whether you’d like to add emotional connection to your existing client toolkit, or to share it as a stand-alone offering, this training program fits the bill. It’s long-distance, high touch, and very affordable. Please read on to find out more.
For practicing therapists, coaches, and healing arts professionals.
Select non-professionals with a commitment to personal growth and spiritual service will also be considered.
Raphael Cushnir. I will personally train each certification candidate one-on-one.
Start any time and complete the process within 1-6 months.
You’ll take three clients through three sessions each, with Raphael’s supervision and coaching. This will, in most cases, provide both training and sufficient demonstration of skills to receive certification. Afterward, you’ll be listed in our facilitator directory and invited to take part in support and enrichment sessions.
(Note: For those who’ve already read the book and listened to the audio, the approximate time required is 15 hours)
If you have questions or feedback about any part of the program, please let me know.
If you’d like to take part, please begin the process by contacting me your request for an application.