A Soapbox, An Invitation, A Gift

First, the Soapbox…

The Western world was shaken with the attacks in Paris. My heart goes out to all those who have suffered pain,  injury, and loss.

Did you know that the same week of the Paris attacks 44 people were also massacred in Lebanon? It’s unlikely that most of you do, because the media has barely covered the story. That’s because it happened in the “other” world, where events like this occur all the time.

But if we’re all truly one, then there is no other world. There is no them, only us. The struggle for a more just, humane, safe world is one shared by people of all faiths, all cultures, worldwide. While it’s true that we must defend ourselves against the forces of hate and division, we can’t let that defense create a false sense of separation.

None of us chooses where we are born. Most people do not have the luxury of mobility, either. They’re forced to stay put, no matter how dire their circumstances become, until, as a last resort, they flee and become refugees.

Imagine, for a moment, having to leave your home with nothing more than the clothes on your back. Imagine having to beg for food, having to walk for days on end, often under the threat of assault, capture, or death. Imagine not being able to protect your loved ones from any of these horrific fates.

For most of us, fortunately, this sounds so unthinkable it’s almost like science fiction. Yet this is happening in our world, the one world we share, which means in essence it’s happening to us.

If we refuse to look at what’s happening, we sanction it.

If we refuse to offer safe harbor for the refugees, fear rules.

So please join me in choosing love over fear. Please let your voice be heard in support of resettling the refugees, after full and effective screening, wherever you live. And however you can offer your personal support to the refugees, please do that, too.

In case you’re not sure where to start, here’s one way: rescue.org

Thank you.

Next, the Invitation…

While the causes of fundamentalist violence are complex, one aspect stands out. When people don’t have a stake in the society where they live, when they feel marginalized and invisible, they become easy prey for idealogy that gives them a sense of meaning, purpose, belonging, and importance.

Many of Europe’s great cities are ringed with impoverished suburbs populated by isolated and hopeless immigrants. These suburbs have become prime recruiting grounds for ISIS and similar groups.

Wherever you live, it’s likely that there are places like this nearby, filled with “left out” people. These people may be homeless, destitute, uneducated, mentally ill, or otherwise foundering in close proximity to those with, by contrast, incredible opportunity and bounty.

My invitation is that you spend a little more time and energy this week looking out for these left out people and, wherever possible, that you seek to connect with them.

Connection can come in many forms. You might share a kind gaze rather than just shuffling by. You might learn more about the needs of a left out community and see if there’s a way to lend it your time, energy, or money. Or, you may simply make a special effort to include the community in your loving heart.

The more of us who choose to see, to care about, and to engage with disenfrachised communities, the safer we will all become.

Thank you.

Finally, the Gift…

The above invitation was inspired, in part, by this being the US Thanksgiving week. In the spirit of gratitude, I’ve spent time thinking about how I could express mine, to all of you, in a way that would help move our collective consciousness forward.

Here’s what I’ve come up with: I have a  self-paced online learning program that covers the basics of emotional connection. It’s perfect for that person in your life who is at least a little open to personal growth, but maybe not yet ready to commit to a whole weekend workshop.

You can review the $47 program here: http://hiddenpowerofemotions.com/self-study

I’d like to make the program available for you to share as a holiday gift for any such people, at no cost. All you need to do is send me first names of anyone you’d like to receive this gift (rc@cushnir.com).

In return, I will send you a personalized email for each individual  with access instructions to the program. You can forward that email from your own address whenever you like.

The gift will not expire. But, you need to send me the names by midnight Pacific time, Sunday, November 29th.

Thanks in advance for helping spread the gift of emotional connection far and wide – it feels so good!

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