My first weekend workshop with Raphael greatly exceeded my expectations. It was like WD40 for emotional stuckness. I knew that I wanted MORE” more time to practice the skills and techniques I had just learned” more opportunities to explore the depths of my being” more time to learn from this extraordinary spiritual guide” more time to spend with like-minded individuals”
The P4 program has provided all that and more. Truly, Raphael’s guidance and facilitation of the group process has been amazing. His gifts of presence, deep listening, reflection, playful joy, and delight in each individual have been such a blessing. Those gifts, along with the gifts we each bring to the group, have created a safe, loving space for all of us to grow and explore. Throughout the year, I’ve explored familiar territory, unfamiliar territory, emotional surprises, past wounds, present joys” all in an environment of inquiry and acceptance. What a rare, and treasured experience it has been.
“I read Raphael’s book, ”˜Setting Your Heart On Fire’ and loved it. Then I signed up for one of his three day Intensives. It put me in touch with my body and consequently with my emotions. When Raphael told us he was convening a yearlong program, I knew that I had to be included.
I never doubted my resolve to attend until just about 5 minutes before I walked into the retreat house where we would all meet, eat, sleep and share for the next 48 hours! But the retreat went all too fast and we all became soul mates with one common goal—to discover, love and accept the person inside each one of us. We came from such diverse backgrounds and living circumstances; however, that made it so much more enjoyable!
At the end of the 2 days we hated leaving each other and have so enjoyed our group calls, as well as our partner and small team calls. We laugh, cry, share and grow in each other’s warmth and encouragement. I have no doubt many of us will remain friends far beyond our P4 experience.We have decided that our second retreat MUST be extended to 3 days as 2 days are just not enough to experience the work, growth and kinship we have going.
One of the most beneficial aspects of working with Raphael and the other participants, in a yearlong program, is that you are always finding new ways to look at or perceive situations that have stumped or plagued you for years. You are able to talk about them in a safe environment and you have the opportunity to play around with alternatives or solutions. You are able to journal and share with a group of people that are testing the same waters. It has allowed me to feel comfortable and safe amid situations and emotions that have always been hurtful to me. I have really changed, and the P4 experience has been truly invaluable.”
“What attracted me to the yearlong program was Raphael’s book, “Unconditional Bliss” . I was looking for just that and didn’t know how to get it.
At times the P4 program is not easy. I have found myself resisting change of long-ingrained, destructive habits. But I’ve been able to open myself up more to accept my good and not-so-fabulous aspects, and in turn I’ve been better able to embrace other people in my life, especially those that I have had personal struggles with.
To meet and connect with people who are on a similar path and are extremely supportive is incredible, and that’s what I’ve found in my fellow P4 participants. I’ve become very close to one other woman in the group who lives in my area and we now see each other regularly.
What I like about working with Raphael as a spiritual mentor is how he’s completely down-to-earth. You can relate to him as a fellow traveler and somehow despite his deep wisdom, you don’t feel intimidated by him. He makes himself available to you in every possible way, including one-on-one time if you ever need extra assistance during the year. And he’s got a great sense of humor and loves to dance!
I can honestly say that in this P4 program, I’ve grown more in a year than in all of my previous personal growth work and individual therapy (which has been on and off since age 17 and I’m now 43!). Because of my growth, my greatest accomplishment is having a happy child who will turn 2 this year. And for that I’m grateful beyond measure.”
“After thoroughly enjoying and benefiting from a 4 day workshop with Raphael at Hollyhock last summer I decided that the P4 program was the perfect venue to keep my new found momentum going and to continue to expand my mind, body and emotional connections.
My initial intuition to join has been repaid in abundance on many different levels. Every month I find myself experiencing new synergies and insights. I find that Raphael’s books definitely come alive and take on expanded meaning.”
“The P4 experience has been profoundly inspiring for me, opening a whole new area of spirituality I previously had not explored. This program provides a rich and nurturing environment for each member to explore their past, learn to fully appreciate the present, and expand their spiritual growth into the future.
The opportunity to participate in P4 has taught me to be more compassionate towards not only myself, but also towards others. I have developed friendships that I know will last a lifetime, and I have memories that I will always treasure.
Raphael’s gentle and loving guidance creates a safe and trusting way for each group member to feel free to express their emotions and their concerns. The P4 approach has proven the most effective method I have found to seek out and claim my individual right to joy and happiness.
This group was real, open, honest and compassionate. If you have the opportunity to participate in this program, don’t pass it up!
A seminar on healing $75.00
A weekend spiritual retreat $250.00
The P4 experience “priceless”
I had been on a journey of personal growth for quite a few years, when Ifirst read Raphael’s article in “O, the Oprah Magazine.” It really struck a chord with me, as did his yearlong program. I did not signup for it immediately, though, wondering whether it was right for me.
Some time passed, and I attended a workshop where one of the key messages was “Don’t think you can go it alone. Surround yourself with supporters.” I decided to stop trying to prove that I could do everything on my own. A yearlong program with a group of other supportive individuals seemed like a perfect way to help me in my journey.
Raphael has been a truly wonderful and inspirational facilitator. He always shows compassion and understanding and makes himself available. He truly cares and is truly present. I loved our weekend retreat when we got to meet everyone in the program for the first time. It made me want to get to know everyone even better as the year progressed and I am very much looking forward to our second retreat.
This yearlong program achieves what a simple weekend retreat usually can’t—I am thankful that Raphael created the program and very grateful that I am able to participate in it!